Wing Genesis

Internet O'on.. tar aja nge bacotnya..


Character: Riwalena and Duncan.
From her Novel on SF.
All Image is copyright by Euphoriane.

Saya lebih suka yg Riwale, kenapa ya, mungkin gara2 yg Duncan warnanya mendep..
Padahal sama2 BW cuma di kasih overlay, pick warnanya agak susah buat kulit Tan.
Feelingnya beda.. Riwale gw kerja seudah liburan panjang ampir 4 hari ga gambar..
mungkin jd lebih fresh.. well after-all klien nya suka.. dan yg Duncan dapet banyak apresiasi juga.. berarti saya berhasil haha..

Klo ada yg mau saya post prosesnya bilang ya.. agak males sih inet O'on..
doakan saja kualitas selanjutnya bisa lebih ato paling engga di pertahankan.

Mordekai by Akaikane

Im not good at writing in English, but i will try to make this blog more friendly..
so pardon me for my English.

This is my first WIP for BW commission, and this is Akaikane character.
Name Mordekai. He's the main antagonist of Akaikane story.
I bet its must be a cool story, i will ask Akaikane if he would to share the story.

This is the reference that Akaikane sent to me.

( All Picture here is copyright by Akaikane)

This is my version of Mordekai (copyright Akaykane)

Sketch done in PSD.
My concept is make him cruel, like bad'ass king who like to kill
I took the lighting from top, it will make him more like cocky or cruel.
The problem is i still confuse with his horn, i think that's goat horn.. but
double layer? Maybe Akaikane want to make that horn like crown.
Well lets hope Akaikane will like it..

Sketch 0.2
Still using PSD, Rough sketch.. im not good using brush, so i use standard brush, flow 40% opacity 40-70%
And try to define the lighting.

This is the result,
After the rough sketch, i go to Corel Painter, and start to smoothing
For smooth i use, just add water (blender tools)
After 2-3Hour just for blender, go to PSD and "Softlight" it with sephia color.
Use little "Smart Sharpen" and "level"
And DONE !

and C&C is very welcome here guy's!
Im not good at making Tutorial, but i will try to post the step here.


Commission Work..
Not finis yet,

LCD baru.. aneh.. gerak dikit contrast nya beda-beda..
Tau gitu beli LED.. cuma beda dikit.